About the Artist

  • Oil Paint Palette

    My Inspiration

    As an artist nestled in the heart of York, my studio is a crucible where the past and present meld into a vibrant tableau. Each brushstroke is a reverent nod to York's storied past, a city where history breathes through the cobblestone streets and the towering presence of York Minster.

    In Arnup Studios, the whispers of history are my constant companions, guiding my hand as I infuse each artwork with the essence of this ancient city. The walls, steeped in the pulse of nature and the echoes of time, stand as silent witnesses to the creation of art that is alive, that speaks.

    My inspiration often leads me to the wild waters that surround this historic place. There, I engage in wild swimming, an immersive experience that allows me to capture the ethereal interplay of water and human form. It's a dance of elements, a fluid choreography that I strive to translate onto my canvases.

    Each painting I create is more than a visual experience; it's a celebration of the interplay between light and shadow, an homage to the natural world that cradles our existence. Through my art, I invite viewers to step into a world that is at once serene and exhilarating, a space where the whispers of history and the timeless dance of nature converge.

    This is my journey, my passion, and my tribute to the enduring beauty of York and the natural world that surrounds us. Each piece is a chapter in a never-ending story, a story that I am honoured to tell through the medium of paint and passion.

  • My Work

    Studio visitors can explore my extensive portfolio, including my latest series, life sketches, ongoing projects displayed on easels, and an assortment of giclee prints and art cards.

    August 2024 Longlisted for the Visual Art Open 2024 UK & International Emerging Artist Awards.

    October 2024 included in the Dwellings Exhibition at the Fronteer Gallery in Sheffield

    2025 Solo exhibitions in York at Osborne’s Café, Gillygate and City Screen Café.

    Previous exhibitions include York Open Studios, group events at Arnup Studios, Blossom Street Gallery and Pyramid Gallery in York.

  • My Latest Body of Work

    The essence of nature's beauty is eloquently captured through the changing light and seasons by the water. At dawn, the gentle hues of sunrise dance on the water, heralding a new day. Midday brings a burst of life, with the joyful activity of swimmers amidst the sun's bright rays. Dusk offers a moment of reflection, as the water mirrors the sky's twilight colours. In the hush of winter, the water lies still, a silent witness to the season's stark serenity. Each scene, distinct in its atmosphere, is a testament to the ever-evolving canvas of the natural world.

    My newly discovered passion for wild swimming has inspired my most recent work. This work explores my favourite swimming spot at different times of day and throughout all seasons. Each scene presents an entirely different experience for both swimmers and observers.

Michelle Galloway